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Ahmad Alfawwaz Timehin
2020-04 – 2020-05 – C# (.NET) Software Engineer • Full-time • Trilogy
Participated in and graduated from 1-day RemoteU.
Learnt skills necessary for effective remote work.
Wrote unit tests for thousands of lines of legacy code to enable error-free refactoring.
2015-10 – 2020-04 – Software Engineer • Full-time • Yuscomsoft Limited
Led a team of 6 engineers to develop a university management system for Caleb University, Imota (2020-12).
Designed and documented the architecture of 1 client software and setup CI/CD pipelines for build, test and deployment automation.
Worked with a team of 3 engineers on the software development of 3 client projects, end to end.
Worked with a team of 3 developers to design and implement ePin Mart, a pin vending system that has been used by Nigerian institutions to automate the verification of thousands of students’ results.
Tech: C#, .NET Core, Java, Kotlin, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Azure DevOps.
2019-11 – 2019-12 – Software Developer • Contract • IITA
Added features to ODK Collect, to support IITA’s research in Nigeria.
Tech: Java, Android.
2018-02 – 2018-04 – Software Developer • Contract • IDH, The Sustainable Trade Initiative
Extended the open-source app, ODK Collect, with additional features, to support IDH’s research in Nigeria.
Tech: Java, Android.
2016-12 – 2017-09 – Software Developer • Contract • BuffrSpace
Designed Probiti, an ERP for the BuffrSpace marketplace with a team of 5 developers. Designed project requirements in cooperation with designers and data analysis teams. Designed the Probiti database.
Tech: PHP (Laravel), HTML, CSS, JavaScript, MySQL
Toy projects and volunteer experience:
- Orien Free and open-source game on the Play store. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.staa.games.orien. Partials.js –
A lightweight JavaScript library to add partial views to plain HTML. - https://github.com/staa99/partials.js.
Staaworks. Payment Integrator and the Paystack extension A payment integration abstraction library that allows developers to access different payment providers via a single API. - https://github.com/staa99/payment-integrator.
- B.Sc. Computer Science
Federal University of Agriculture Abeokuta
Expected Graduation: 2021 - Associate Android Developer – Google with ALC and Pluralsight
Q EXPERT 250 – 96th percentile - ASP.NET Core Pluralsight IQ –
Q EXPERT 248 -96th percentile.
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